Amherst Railway Society

Model Railroad – the Palmer Division

a special interest group of the Amherst Railway Society

The Amherst Railway Society is creating a first-class miniature railroad world that highlights the skills and abilities of our members, and depicts three of the seven railroads that comprise the railroad history of Palmer, Massachusetts.

The Palmer Division is a proto-freelanced, HO-scale model railroad. It is generally based on the operations of the actual railroads, past and present, of the area, but with artistic license to create scenes and run equipment that add interest to the railroad. 

The goal of the Palmer Division is to give as many people as possible the opportunity to learn and enjoy the fascinating world of model railroading.

The Setting

In the 1980’s Conrail was consolidating its core rail system with many branch lines and secondary routes up for sale. At the same time the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA) was looking for ways to expand commuter rail service west of Boston. 

In our fictional world, the Amherst Rail System (ARS) had already taken over the former Boston and Maine mainline and was operating it as the HO-scale Amherst Belt Lines modular railroad. So it was a logical next step to be part of the discussions with Conrail and the MBTA. 

The MBTA purchased the former Boston & Albany line from Boston to Worcester and the Amherst Rail System purchased the rest of the Boston & Albany from Worcester to Selkirk, New York. The additional track would become the Palmer Division of the ARS, and would continue to carry Conrail traffic to and from Worcester, while working with both the MBTA and Amtrak to facilitate expanded rail passenger service.

The model Palmer Division represents three rail operations in and around Palmer, Massachusetts from post World War II to the present day.

The east-west line represents the former Boston & Albany route between Worcester, Massachusetts and Selkirk, New York. The north-south line represents the former Central Vermont route currently operated by Genesee & Wyoming. And, the third operation is the Ware River branch line, currently operated by Massachusetts Central Railroad.



The railroad is being constructed with wide aisles for easy viewing and operations.

The double-track mainline will accommodate continuous operation of multiple trains. A separate single-track mainline will be used for more prototypical operations. And, a branch line will demonstrate how lighter trafficked routes are operated.

It is our goal to construct a miniature world that will be easily recognized by anyone familiar with the greater Palmer area. 

We are also using the construction of the Palmer Division as a Learning Lab for members that would like to further develop their model railroad skills – bench work, track work, electrical, scenery, and operations. Here’s a chance for hands-on model railroad education, guided by experienced modelers. Plus, a chance to make a personal contribution to a first-class model railroad.

Track Planning… on the Palmer Division

The track plan for the Palmer Division is intended to convey the look and feel of the actual railroads that operated in our area.

It’s a process. Here is how we do it.

Full article.

Contact Us

If you have questions, or would like additional information, or would like to be part of the Amherst Railway Society’s Model Railroad Special Interest Group, please fill out the form below.

All skill levels are welcome.